Vantage: A 6200 Photo Series 10.07.15


There is a science to the saying “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”. Before, it was believed that one’s idea of beauty stemmed from his genetic make up. Recently it has been found that it’s our individual life experiences that lead us to find one face more attractive than another. Such holds true with art, music, and even photography. It’s all about how you perceive it.

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Vantage: A 6200 Photo Series 09.20.15

A lot can happen in two weeks. Mine was pretty eventful. I sat in the backseat through 3 longs drives, celebrated the birthdays of 5 friends and family, visited new and old places, and took about 700+ new photos with my phone to document all those activities. So, how eventful was your last two weeks? How many photos did you take? 😁

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Vantage: A 6200 Photo Series 09.04.15

Do you ever get those times where you just want to relive a moment over and over again? Ever caught yourself staring at something so beautiful, so breathtaking that there’s nowhere else in the world you’d rather be? Well, I have – many times. And through all those times, I remember that one line Leslie Burke said to Jesse Aarons in one of my favorite movies, “Take a picture, it lasts longer.” Indeed it does.

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