Blue Pearl Meat Restaurant: Next on your Gastronomic Bucketlist

There is a new Korean restaurant in town and its gaining popularity fast. The Blue Pearl Meat Restaurant is located along Hibbard Avenue, Tugas, Piapi. It is situated right by the Korean Church. It’s easy enough to spot, especially with an enormous signage right outside the restaurant. Blue Pearl is actually the fourth branch of the Pearl Meat Shop which first opened its doors in AS Fortuna, Mandaue City. It’s two other branches, both located in Cebu, are also widely-known and well-loved by foodies both Korean and Filipino. So imagine my delight when I learned that one of my favorite Korean restaurants from Cebu was branching out to none other than Dumaguete City.

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Lantaw Native Restaurant: The New Home of the Family of Gentle People

Lively Filipino music, rich and boisterous laughter and the clanging of utensils were in perfect harmony during the blessing and grand opening of Lantaw Native Restaurant Dumaguete. It seemed like one giant feast that brought together families from all over the city. And as the night progressed and the moon steadily lit the restaurant’s skyline, the crowd excited to taste the savory native delicacies unique to this new restaurant just kept getting bigger and bigger.

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Where does good food come from?

A lot of people are in a constant quest for good food. New restaurants open here and there offering a variety of meals inspired by Oriental, Mexican, Italian, Korean, Greek cooking and so on, but sometimes our taste buds remain insatiable. And sometimes, the food made available in these restos are highly commercialized. This is exactly why some people take it upon themselves to cook up their own meals rather than to eat out. On a personal note, I believe that a generously prepared home meal is always twice as good as a meal cooked in a chaotic restaurant kitchen no matter how many stars it may have. But, lucky for us foodies here in Dumaguete, there is a new place, nestled within the outskirts of the city where one can find gourmet pizzas, burritos, spaghetti, carbonara, sandwiches and a whole lot more, cooked with precision and passion in a kitchen built with love.

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Gabby’s Bistro Makes its Way to the Heart of the City

If you’re from Dumaguete or spend a lot of time in the city, you’re bound to know about Gabby’s Bistro. Their flagship restaurant, although located in a primarily residential area quite far from the city proper, is the go-to place of many foodies. It is everywhere on social media. The bistro is modern and fun, and the food, a consistent homerun. It has been dubbed as one of the places to be when visiting the city and with good reason.

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Infinitea: ‘More Than Just Tea’ For You and Me

Dumaguete is home to a lot of students, artists, writers, and professionals constantly looking for a place to meet, chill or work in. And since the opening of the newest commercial center in the city, people are already raving about the new Milk Tea shop in town, Infinitea, perfectly situated in the vibrant and scenic Boulevard strip. The new place has everything you need for a good drink and a good time. It’s the new haven for Milk Tea and Coffee lovers alike.

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