Where does good food come from?

A lot of people are in a constant quest for good food. New restaurants open here and there offering a variety of meals inspired by Oriental, Mexican, Italian, Korean, Greek cooking and so on, but sometimes our taste buds remain insatiable. And sometimes, the food made available in these restos are highly commercialized. This is exactly why some people take it upon themselves to cook up their own meals rather than to eat out. On a personal note, I believe that a generously prepared home meal is always twice as good as a meal cooked in a chaotic restaurant kitchen no matter how many stars it may have. But, lucky for us foodies here in Dumaguete, there is a new place, nestled within the outskirts of the city where one can find gourmet pizzas, burritos, spaghetti, carbonara, sandwiches and a whole lot more, cooked with precision and passion in a kitchen built with love.

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